Premier League

The player’s agent confirmed it, a new Premier League king is on his way to English football

The player is destined to destroy all the records in English and European football

By Liam Styles

Manchester City could dominate the next decade in the Premier League after securing Echeverri's arrival.
Manchester City could dominate the next decade in the Premier League after securing Echeverri's arrival.
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The Premier League is considered one of the best leagues in the world, and its dominance in world football could continue in the next few years after one of the most promising players nowadays finally decided to join the league to continue his career in one of the teams of the Big Six in the league.

The player in question is the Argentine 17-year-old playmaker Claudio Echeverri from River Plate, whose signing for Manchester City seems to be in the last stages of negotiation, from what it could be understood after listening to his agent Enzo Motepaone, who spoke out on the deal in the last few hours.

Montepaone, who spoke to Sport Witness in the last few hours, admitted that Echeverri would be really close to seal his agreement to arrive at Manchester City, and the deal of the Citizen with River Plate could be really close to being signed. “I can confirm that everything is done for Claudio’s transfer from River Plate to Manchester City”, he explained.

His club could dominate the Premier League for a decade

The arrival of Echeverri to Manchester City could mean a crucial move for the Citizen to reign in the Premier League during the next few years, as the Argentine player has already been labeled as "the new Messi" for his promising skills on the pitch, which could lead the Mancunian club to dominate English and European football in the next decade.

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